Before you are in need of the services of a collision repair technician, it is best to be prepared. Collision repair can be costly. This is especially true if you are not fully covered by auto insurance. Of course, while it is a good idea to be prepared for when an accident eventually happens, it is also in your best interests to try to prevent an accident as much as possible. As a driver, remember that road safety is of paramount importance. Whenever you are out on the road, your life, your passengers lives, and the lives of everyone you encounter are in your hands. This is why preventing a car accident is always better than attempting to remedy it after the fact.
Maintaining Your Car
Car maintenance is one of the most important things that you need to keep in mind as a driver. Your car must receive routine maintenance from a reputable auto body shop. Do you still have your owners manual with you? Hopefully, its not just sitting there somewhere collecting dust, totally unopened. Inside of your manual, you will find the scheduled oil changes for your car. You should do your best to follow this schedule religiously. Changing the oil is not just about exchanging your old engine oil for a new one. Its also about checking the internals of the engine including swapping out parts such as brake pads and checking for any advance signs of trouble.
Be Well Equipped
In case of an auto collision or a vehicular accident in general, you should be well equipped. First of all, know who to call. Have the telephone numbers of the police, the hospital, your towing service and your auto body shop handy. Also, always know your vehicles unique identification number as well as your insurance account number. If you get stuck in the middle of the road, then you are an obstruction and a hazard to everyone especially if the area is not well lit. Have a traffic cone or a triangular reflectorized early warning device handy in your car. Also, you should know how to jumpstart your car in case of battery troubles. Have some high quality jumper cables ready inside of your car and know how to use them properly.
Be Cool Headed
Did that red sedan just overtake you and also cut you off in the process? Dont make it a matter of pride. Many drivers would be goaded into trying to chase after a reckless driver just to teach him a lesson. If you do this however, then you are just as reckless as he is. Remember, road safety is paramount. Always keep in mind: you are better.
Dont Multi-Task
Many drivers have gotten used to multi-tasking while driving. Have you seen Marvels Doctor Strange? This is what ruined the good doctors career as a surgeon saying nothing of his career as a sorcerer afterwards, of course. In any case, while Dr. Strange is fiction, this does not invalidate the advice. Dont try operating your mobile phone, swapping discs, or doing something else while driving.